Everyone wants to be happy. Happiness is a word that we hear and talk about; it is motivator behind most of the things. So many books have been written about finding happiness because so many people are still searching for it. Psychologists say “happiness is “people's evaluations of their lives and encompasses both cognitive judgments of satisfaction and affective appraisals of moods and emotions”.
Small gestures of kindness or love, like gifting us our favourite snacks, getting an accolade from Manager, parents, siblings. spouse can put a smile on our face and make us happy. In pursuit of happiness, we at times find ourselves aiming at renewed goals, and this process is a never-ending process. In fact, God tells us to be happy more than any other expectations. Just think about that for a moment. Commands such as being “joyful”, “rejoice,” “be of good cheer,” “do not be afraid,” “give thanks,” these are all ways of God telling us to be happy. Anytime we focus on ourselves, it’s easy to become obsessed with what’s wrong with our life. But when we focus on the needs of others, we find that my our problems don’t seem so big.
Too often, we waste time grumbling and griping about our “lot in life.” As many face illness, loss, anxieties, fears, and trouble of all kinds, it can be important to remember that God is still interested in our happiness. Yes, there are serious situations that burden our hearts and impact our minds but sometimes we need the help of others to shoulder the load. We can find an opportunity for joy as the problems make us stronger and acknowledge that we might be blessed beyond measures. Sometimes you could also spread happiness through a bible verse T-shirt that you are wearing which shows Faith over Fear, Freedom, Kindness, Hope, Faith and Love.
Today whatever circumstance you maybe, choose happiness and say you can face tomorrow with the smile on your face! Explore new ways of happiness in all circumstances. God Bless.
life is a rollercoaster where its a mixmatch of happy and sad moments, to chosing to be happy in all times is a choice that one should make and not to wait for opportunities to be happy.
life is a rollercoaster where its a mixmatch of happy and sad moments, to chosing to be happy in all times is a choice that one should make and not to wait for opportunities to be happy.
Very inspiring article, made me rethink a lot of things in my life and to be grateful for what i have.
Thank you! WANNABE I have gone thru this article, this is such a beautiful. This reminds us to spread happiness. Love you guys! ❤
Thrilling Article